Data File Upload Instructions

Section Definition

All of the FAEIS surveys (enrollment, degrees awarded, transfer, placement, faculty) can be completed by submitting a data file. FAEIS will accept files regardless of format as long as the data is disaggregated by the required variables, as described in the appropriate sections above.

Uniquely identify program

The data file must also uniquely identify the reported program. Depending on how your institution is set up, you will need a combination of the following:

  • 6-digit CIP code: All data files must include the 6-digit CIP code for each program. If your institution does not report in further detail (by major/option/specialization) and no program is offered by multiple colleges, you only need this. This is always the same CIP code that is reported to IPEDS (Integrated Postseconday Education Data System).
  • Program name: If your institution reports programs in greater detail (by major/option/specialization), you must also include the program name. This name should match what we have on file in our system. You can view the current list of programs the the “Organization -> Instructional Programs -> Current Instructional Programs” menu item. You can update instructional programs as needed.
  • Unit name: If any program is offered in multiple departments or colleges, you must provide the department or college name.

File Formats

We do have preferred file formats for the Enrollment and Degrees Awarded Surveys that make the import process fast and easy on our end.

Required Student Datafile Variable Definitions

You can view the list of required variables and preferred variable values for each survey:

Submitting A Data File

Once your file is prepared:

  1. Go to the FAEIS homepage and login.
  2. Go to step 3 on the dashboard and select “Submit File”.
  3. Using the file picker, choose the xlsx, csv, or other format from your file system.
  4. Click Send.
  5. Files can only be sent one at a time. Attach files until you have submitted all of your data files. Once you submit all files, you are finished with your student surveys. FAEIS will contact you with any questions concerning submitted data files.

You can also email your data file to and the FAEIS HelpDesk will import the file on your behalf.

Student Survey Information

Faculty Survey Information