Getting Started

Section Definition

FAEIS, the Food and Agricultural Education Information System, is a federally mandated survey that compiles nationwide higher education data for the life, food, veterinary, human, natural resource, and agricultural sciences. These data include student enrollment, degrees awarded, transfer, and placement at all degree levels by gender and race. This also includes faculty counts and salaries by gender, race, and rank. Institutions with degree programs that fall within the FAEIS purview are required to submit their student and faculty data annually. We work in partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). To get started, you must have an account with FAEIS. Email and we will create an account for you. Once your account has been created, you set your password. When you log into the system, you will see multiple tabs that will allow you to add or edit departments, programs and contacts for you institution. It will also allow you to complete the annual student and faculty surveys. If you need assistance completing a task, please view this video tutorial of the system or contact the FAEIS HelpDesk at or 540-231-4941.

Student Survey Information

Faculty Survey Information