Data Center

FAEIS, the Food and Agricultural Education Information System, collects higher education data for the life, food, veterinary, human, natural resource, and agricultural sciences. This data is collected annually from institutions that have colleges of Agriculture, Natural Resources, and/or Family and Consumer/Human Sciences.

The data that FAEIS collects is available for public use. You can download data from this page or you can submit a data request. If you’d like to request data, or for assistance with anything on this page, email the FAEIS HelpDesk at or call 540-231-4941. Data requests are usually completed within two weeks. Some questions that FAEIS data has helped answer in the past are the following:

  • How many bachelors degrees were awarded last year for Family and Consumer Sciences Education programs?
  • What are the enrollment trends in the natural resources field for institutions that are members the National Association of University Forest Resource Programs (NAUFRP)?
  • Which institutions have a college of agriculture where the enrollment is greater than 4,000 students?
  • What is the gender ratio of undergraduate students enrolled in an Animal Sciences program?

Below are examples of graphics that can be generated using FAEIS data:

“Gender ratios for human sciences/family and consumer sciences program area from years 2013 to 2017. In 2014 87% were female, the rest male.  This gender ratio remained the same through 2017.”

“2018 Total Undergraduate Enrollment in Agriculture Programs From participating FAEIS institutions.  A mapt of the 50 US states is presented with a color gradient ranging from white to blue with white representing zero and blue representing 25000.  The dark blue states are Texas and California.  Slightly lighter are North Carolina, Iowa, Oklahoma, Michigan, and Alabama.  The remaining states are light blue except for North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Main, Vermont, and Maryland, which are white.”

“Peer Compmarisons: 2018 Undergraduate Enrollment in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.  The bar chart shows Purdue University with 2700 enrollments next to Iowa State University with 4200 enrollments and Cornell University with 3,700 enrollments.”

Downloadable Files

Suggested citation: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS), [collection year], [survey: enrollment, degrees, placement]. Retrieved from [link] on [date].

Interactive Charts

FAEIS Report Builder – The report builder allows for parameters (such as: institution, college type, partner organization, degree level, academic area, discipline (CIP code), gender, ethnicity) to be set to create custom reports. You must request an account to use the report builder.

The following are examples of reports that can be generated based on institutional characteristics: